The mosquito-borne Zika virus was discovered close to Bengaluru, every fever case there is now being investigated. The virus was identified in a Chikkaballapur mosquito subsequent to its submission for analysis in August. The 5-kilometer radius around Talkaebetta, where the sample originated, has been alerted.
“As many as 100 samples were collected from across the state. Six were from Chikkaballapur and five of them tested negative. One was positive,” said Dr S Mahesh, District Health Officer.
Three individuals had elevated fevers, and their samples were sent for pathological examination. They are now doing well.
The mosquito found carrying the virus was among the several samples collected during a statewide drive. The results came on October 25.
An infected Aedes mosquito, which is also known to spread diseases including Dengue and Chikungunya, can bite a person with the Zika virus. In 1947, the virus was originally discovered in Uganda.
After a five-year-old child in the Raichur district of Karnataka was diagnosed with the Zika virus in December of last year, the government moved to implement the required precautions and release safety advisories.
In Maharashtra in December, the Zika virus was also discovered in an elderly man.
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