UPSC Plans AI-Based CCTV Surveillance

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has issued a call for bids from seasoned PSUs to supply AI monitoring for its examination procedures. Live AI-based CCTV monitoring, Aadhaar-based fingerprint authentication (or digital fingerprint capture alternative), candidate facial recognition, and e-Admit Card QR Code scanning are among the features for which bids are being solicited.

The CPP site should be used to submit the necessary bid document. Along with the designation, the paper must be signed by the bidder organization’s authorized signature. The candidates shall furnish a bid security declaration in the appropriate format or an Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in the amount of three crore rupees.

The decision comes amid controversies that have erupted over trainee IAS officer Puja Khedkar. UPSC has issued a notice to cancel selection of Puja Khedkar, who is being investigated for lying about visual and mental disabilities and faking her identity (including changing the names of her parents) to clear the Civil Services entrance exam. The investigations are being undertaken to verify many other claims, including physical disability and her OBC, or other backward class, status.

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