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Thursday, December 19, 2024

UPSC Introduces Detailed Guidelines for Uploading Photographs in CSE 2024 Application Form

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has begun the application process for the Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination (CSE Pre) 2024. Along with the CSE preliminary application form, the UPSC has made available this year’s comprehensive information bulletin, curriculum, and exam pattern on

Unlike previous years, which required simply a passport-sized image to be uploaded in a certain size, UPSC has included detailed guidelines for uploading photographs in the UPSC CSE application form 2024.

As a first step, UPSC has requested that candidates upload images no older than 10 days from the commencement of the online application process. Candidates must ensure that the images were taken before February 4, 2024.

Also, the name of the candidate and the date on which the photograph was taken must be mentioned clearly on the photograph, UPSC added.

The faces of the candidates should also occupy three-fourths of the space in the photograph, the UPSC notification said.

The Commission has also asked the candidates to make sure that their appearance matches their photograph at each stage of the examination process – preliminary, main (written) and interview or personality test. 

Citing an example, the UPSC said: “For instance, If a candidate uploads a bearded photograph, he must appear with the same look in the Preliminary, Main (Written) and Interview/ Personality Test. The same would be the case with spectacles, moustaches, etc.”

The candidate’s scanned photos of the passport-sized photograph and signature must be in.jpg format, with each file ranging in size from 20 to 300 KB.

UPSC has announced 1,056 CSE and 150 IFoS positions this year. The UPSC CSE 2024 prelims test will be held on May 26. Candidates who score more than the cut-off marks in the CSE prelims will be eligible to register for the UPSC main examination. The mains will be detailed and take place over five days beginning September 20.

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Source: The Indian Express

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