Can Air Pollution Cause Lung Cancer?

Can Air Pollution Cause Lung Cancer?

Air pollution is a serious environmental problem confronting millions of people all over the world. It includes, among others, particulate matter, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon monoxide, and volatile organic compounds. Lung cancer is the health issue that worries everyone the most among the many others related to air pollution. This article explores the connection … Read more

Non-Smoking Indians Face Higher Lung Cancer Rates Than Westerners: Here’s Why?

Non-Smoking Indians Face Higher Lung Cancer Rates Than Westerners: Here's Why

What is most shocking and surprising is the fact that the number of non-smoking Indians suffering from lung cancer is now increasing at a rapid pace, even surpassing that of Westerners. This has been attributed to occupational exposure and polluted air. Lung cancer is detected in Indians at a quite young age, states a report … Read more