Shashi Tharoor Agrees with Putin on India’s Independence

Congress Member of Parliament, Shashi Tharoor, has expressed agreement with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent observation that India’s leadership is self-directed. Tharoor asserted that India has maintained its autonomy and self-directed decision-making since gaining independence. He highlighted that this commitment to self-determination was evident right from the moment of India’s independence, and it has been a hallmark of the nation’s foreign policy.

Shashi Tharoor emphasized that India’s first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, played a pivotal role in shaping this independent stance by refraining from aligning with any blocs during the early years of the nation’s independence.

Putin had lauded the leadership of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and commended India for being directed by its national interests. Putin also criticized Western countries for attempting to exert influence and control over nations that do not align with their policies. He specifically mentioned that the West had made such attempts with India but acknowledged that India’s leadership remained self-directed and prioritized national interests.

While acknowledging that there may be diplomatic attempts to influence India, Putin suggested that these efforts ultimately hold little significance, as India’s leadership is resolute in pursuing its own path.

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Source: Hindustan Times

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