IIT Madras Researchers Develop Device to Generate Power

IIT Madras researchers have created a device, ‘Ocean Wave Energy Converter’, to generate electricity from sea waves and the trials have already been successfully completed in the second week of November 2022.

The device was placed at a depth of 20 metres around 6 kilometres off the coast of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu. Within the next three years, this system hopes to produce 1 MW of electricity from ocean waves.

The accomplishment of several goals, including the UN Ocean decade and sustainable development goals, will be made possible by the success of this project.

India has set goals for developing a blue economy, deep-water missions, and clean energy. It might assist India in achieving its targets to produce 500 GW of renewable electricity by 2030 in response to climate change.

The device is intended for use in remote offshore locations that need dependable electricity and communication.

It does this by providing electricity to payloads that are integrated into or on the device itself, as well as to payloads that are nearby, such as those that are on the seafloor and in the water column.

The oil and gas, defence and security installations, and communication sectors are the stakeholders that are being targeted.

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