Reducing Screen Time Might Improves Child’s Mental Wellbeing, Says Studies

The widespread use of digital technologies in human life has negative consequences. Technology has left its mark on all aspects of human interaction. Digital gadgets have transformed how individuals spend their free time by providing easy access to a wide range of entertainment options.

However, the constant flow of limitless entertainment distorts time, and before you know it, the day has passed. Children, in particular, spend countless hours on digital devices. They are energetic, cannot stay still for long periods of time, and want frequent engagement.

In the pre-digital era, children spent their energy by playing outside games with their friends. With digital devices readily available at home, people no longer need to go outside to escape boredom.

Digital devices keep students interested with a diverse range of content. Long hours of screen time have a negative impact on children’s mental health.

A new study from the University of Southern Denmark discovered a substantial link between lower screen usage and better mental health in children. Within two weeks of limiting screen use to three hours per week, behaviour improved dramatically.

 On average, youngsters spend around 7 to 8 hours each day on entertainment, whether it’s playing games or watching movies. The study concluded that lowering this to three hours improves their emotional stability. The improvement is swift, with apparent results after just 14 days. Monitoring screen time helps youngsters grow more prosocial, thoughtful, and helpful to others.

They also begin to get along and bond with their peers. Children are always full of energy, and digital tools do not fully expand that energy; instead, they confine it, leaving them exhausted. By limiting screen time, you may refocus their energy and encourage constructive prosocial behavior and emotional maturation.

Balance is the key

The researchers recommend reducing screen time, instead of eliminating it. Recreational activities have evolved, and digital devices will inevitably be a part of leisure time. The key is moderation and setting boundaries. Children need to understand the limits of usage. Excessive screen time, such as 7 to 8 hours, is unhealthy and can stun their development. With a more balanced approach, leisure time can be more fun. Curbing screen time to only 3 hours per week significantly improves children’s behaviour.

 In a screen-saturated world where human life is heavily reliant on technology, the only way to protect your children is to be vigilant and supervise them. If you entirely cut off all digital gadgets, it is likely that you will end up with loud tantrums and, as a result of reverse psychology, more screen time once acquired. However, if you speak with your children and allow for infrequent phone usage, you may keep your child’s digital intake under control while also relieving your concerns.

However, as a parent, you can also initiate change. Next time your youngster throws a tantrum or interferes with your job, don’t hand over your smartphone to distract them. Find healthier options, such as mind-stimulating puzzles or reading, to keep children entertained. Remember, a little effort can go a long way.  

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Source: HT

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