Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the groundwork for redeveloping 508 railway stations across India as part of the Amrit Bharat Station Scheme on Sunday. The ambitious project is expected to cost a whopping 24.470 crore.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the event on Twitter the day before, saying it will be a watershed moment for the railway industry. “…At 11 a.m., the historic ‘Amrit Bharat Station Scheme’ will lay the groundwork for the redevelopment of 508 railway stations across India.” The makeover, which would cost nearly 25,000 crore, will change the way our country envisions train infrastructure.
It will improve ‘Ease of Living’ and increase comfort and convenience. “Special consideration has also been given to ensuring that the stations are in keeping with local culture, heritage, and architecture,” he added.
These 508 stations are located in 16 states and union territories, with 55 in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan, 49 in Bihar, 44 in Maharashtra, 37 in West Bengal, 34 in Madhya Pradesh, 32 in Assam, 25 in Odisha, 22 in Punjab, 21 in Gujarat and Telangana, 20 in Jharkhand, 18 in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu, 15 in Haryana, and 13 in Karnataka.
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