NTA Announces Entrance Test for Ph.D. Admissions in Delhi University, JNU, BHU, and BBAU

The National Testing Agency (NTA) will hold a uniform entrance test for Ph.D. admissions at the University of Delhi, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Banaras Hindu University (BHU), and Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University (BBAU).

Previously, NTA held separate tests for Ph.D. admissions at JNU and Delhi University (DUET). For Ph.D. courses, BBAU offered an institute-level entrance exam, while BHU hosted a Research Entrance Test (RET) for combined MPhil-PhD programs.

Registration for this exam is now open at phd-entrance.samarth.ac.in, and the deadline to apply is September 8.

Except for Language papers, the medium of the question papers in this exam will be English. The test date and time will be disclosed later.

There is no age limit for taking this Ph.D. entrance exam, however, candidates must meet the age requirements of the university where they wish to enroll.

The minimum educational requirement to take the Ph.D. admission exam is a postgraduate/equivalent degree. Candidates who are taking the qualifying exam are also eligible to apply.

The exam will be computer-based (CBT), with two portions to the question paper. Section 1 is about the technique, while Section 2 is on the subject. Each exam will have 100 MCQs, and the test will last 3 hours or 180 minutes.

A candidate may select a maximum of three courses as long as the schedule of two papers does not overlap. The information bulletin includes a list of subjects for which the test will be given.

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