National Science Exhibition: 172 Teams to Showcase Innovations

From December 26 to December 30, the state education department and the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) will host the 50th Rashtriya Bal Vaigyanik Pradarshani (national scientific exhibition for children) at Balewadi Stadium. During the five-day event, at least 172 student teams from throughout the country will showcase their projects.

“The exhibition is organized for children on a rotating basis by the NCERT, New Delhi, with the assistance of the respective state.” “The main goal of the initiative is to develop a taste for science and a scientific approach among students, as well as to provide a platform for students aged 14 to 18 to showcase their creativity,” said professor Sunita Farkya, head of NCERT’s department of education in science and mathematics, at a press conference in Pune on Monday.

There will be 207 stalls from all across India during the show. Various government and non-profit organizations will be able to participate in 25 stalls chosen from throughout the state for innovative educational idea flow, success stories, and effective activities.

“According to the NCERT New Reference Guidelines, the main theme of the exhibition is “Technology and Toys”. At least seven sub-topics have been determined following the main topic keeping in mind the social, environment friendly and present-day needs,” said Suraj Mandhare, Maharashtra state education commissioner.

From December 26 to 30, the show will be hosted in the Shri Shiv Chhatrapati Sports Complex Balewadi in Pune, Maharashtra. The display will host science talks and cultural events.

“Students from other states will get an opportunity to experience the culture and tradition of Maharashtra,” Mandhare said in a press release.

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Source: HT

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