Monsoon Health: Effective Measures to Prevent Conjunctivitis During the Season

Monsoon season brings relief from the summer heat, but it also brings an increased risk of infections due to higher moisture levels. One common infection during this time is conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. Dr. Anil Radhakrishnan, an ophthalmology consultant, warns that diseases and eye infections are more prevalent during the monsoons due to the increased presence of germs and viruses in the air. Conjunctivitis can be caused by bacterial or viral infections, resulting in symptoms such as redness, swelling, discharge, eye irritation, and pain. It easily spreads in moist environments, and school-going children are particularly susceptible.

To help prevent conjunctivitis during the monsoon season, Dr. Santosh Yadav, a pediatrician, shared valuable advice on Instagram. He explained that the high humidity activates bacteria and viruses, leading to pink eye. Common symptoms include redness, itching, swelling, sensitivity to light, and discharge. Dr. Yadav suggests giving your eyes ample rest, avoiding screens and direct sunlight, and using hot or cold compresses for relief.

Prevention is key, according to Dr. Yadav. He advises frequent handwashing, refraining from touching the eyes, using separate towels and bed linens, and avoiding sharing personal items. Conjunctivitis is highly contagious and can spread through direct or indirect contact with infected secretions, contaminated surfaces, or contaminated water. By following these preventive measures, the risk of infection can be significantly reduced.

Dr. Radhakrishnan emphasizes the importance of seeking medical attention promptly if conjunctivitis symptoms arise. He advises following the doctor’s instructions, using lubricating eye drops as recommended, and maintaining good hand hygiene by regularly washing hands with soap and water. It is crucial to avoid touching the eyes with unwashed hands and to refrain from sharing eye drops, even within the family.

By implementing these preventive measures and taking proper care of your eyes, you can minimize the risk of conjunctivitis and enjoy a healthy monsoon season.

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Image Source: Pexels

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