Khan Sir Released Amid BPSC Protest Chaos in Patna

Aspirants of the Bihar Public Service Commission have gathered in the capital, Patna, to protest against normalization. YouTuber and educator Faizal Khan, popularly known as Khan Sir, joined the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) aspirants’ comes together in Patna earlier on Friday against the commission’s proposed modifications to the exam format.

With Khan Sir, there is another protester also detained. According to a recent update, Khan Sir and the other protesters have been released.

The YouTuber joined the demonstrations earlier Friday in Patna by candidates for the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) against the commission over the planned modifications to the exam format.

In order to evade the normalization process, the students who are protesting are calling for tests to be administered in “One Shift and One Paper.”

“The protestors will have to leave the protesting site. I have just reached here. I am not aware. Khan Sir was detained and now he is leaving. Now, I don’t know where he is going or where he is being taken. Nobody is inside. They will have to leave the Dharna-sthal,” MS Khan said on Friday.

Normalization is a procedure that aims to resolve any differences in the difficulty of various question papers distributed throughout different shifts of the same test. The commission has explored giving the test in two shifts. If applicants score significantly lower in one shift than in the other, normalization might be achieved by boosting the scores of those who received the “harder” question paper.

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