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New Delhi
Thursday, October 24, 2024

India Surges: Becomes World’s Second-Largest Steel Producer

India’s steel sector has maintained its rapid expansion, playing an important role in industries such as building, infrastructure, automobiles, engineering, and defense. The country is the world’s second-largest producer of steel as of the first eight months of the current fiscal year (April – November 2023), strengthening its position as a prominent player in the sector.

According to the most recent figures, the steel sector performed admirably, with domestic finished steel output reaching 89.711 million tons during the aforementioned period.

This is a 14.3% increase over the same period last year (CPLY), when production stood at 78.498 million tons. The increase in output reflects India’s commitment to maintaining and improving its industrial capabilities.

Notably, domestic steel consumption increased significantly, reaching 87.066 million tonnes, representing a 14.9% increase over the CPLY number of 75.765 million tonnes. This increase in consumption highlights the critical role that steel plays in numerous areas that drive economic development and advancement.

Despite respectable domestic output, the steel industry has seen an increase in completed steel imports, going from 3.751 million tonnes the previous year to 4.253 million tonnes this fiscal year. This 13.4% rise indicates increased demand for steel goods both locally as well as globally.

Experts credit this strong rise to a variety of causes, including greater infrastructure spending, a thriving car sector, and a rising emphasis on defense and engineering. The steel sector’s resilience and capacity to adapt to changing market circumstances position India as a worldwide power in steel manufacturing.

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