Donald Trump’s Emotional Victory Speech: ‘That’s Why I Love…’

Donald Trump’s Emotional Victory Speech ‘That’s Why I Love…’
Donald Trump’s Emotional Victory Speech ‘That’s Why I Love…’

During a joyful address today, Donald Trump, who has yet to proclaim his win in the US presidential campaign, hailed entrepreneur Elon Musk. Addressing him, Trump expressed appreciation to Musk, hailing him as “an amazing guy” and reminiscing their time together during the campaign.

“We have a new star, a star is born: Elon,” Trump informed his followers. “He’s an incredible man. We were seated together tonight. “You know, he spent two weeks campaigning in Philadelphia and other parts of Pennsylvania.”

“Only Elon can do this,” Trump stated after seeing a recent SpaceX launch. “That’s why I love you, Elon.”

Despite the lack of an official announcement from major networks other than Fox News, Trump confidently declared victory and promised to “heal” the nation. The former president addressed his energized fans and family members, describing the event as a “political victory that our country has never seen before.” While networks called Pennsylvania, Georgia, and North Carolina in his favor, numerous states’ results were pending.

Meanwhile, Kamala Harris’ candidacy remained in limbo. Her campaign promised to address them shortly, but she would not speak until the following day.

Earlier in the day, Elon Musk, who may chair a government efficiency committee under Trump’s administration, indicated his support on social media, sharing a selfie with Trump and the words, “Game, set, match.”

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Source: NDTV


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