China’s Robotic Fish: Cutting-Edge Science or Strategic Move?

At Xiaomeisha Sea World in China, a life-size artificial whale shark has sparked controversy. While the aquarium’s reopening has garnered throngs, the fake monster has left some visitors feeling misled and upset, particularly given the costly 230 yuan (Rs 2680) admission cost, according to the South China Morning Post.

Videos circulating online depict a life-size robotic whale shark gliding through the waters of Xiaomeisha Sea World in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, following its reopening in October. Some visitors expressed dissatisfaction and sought compensation on the aquarium’s page on Dazhong Dianping, the restaurant and review service operated by Meituan, as per SCMP.

One commenter stated, “I cannot believe the whale shark is fake. It’s outrageous to charge over 200 yuan for a ticket.”

Another tourist vowed to “report the place and have it shut down” over the fake whale shark. In contrast, other people praised the aquarium’s approach.

A self-proclaimed cyberpunk enthusiast commented on Xiaohongshu: “It’s a fantastic way to exhibit enormous marine species without imprisoning them in a tank. Rather of concealing the whale shark’s actual nature from visitors, the aquarium should seize this chance to educate the public about the value of animal preservation.

This isn’t the first time a Chinese aquarium has used a robotic whale shark instead of a live one. A similar robot debuted in Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park in 2022.

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Source: NDTV

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