साइबर जासूसी के डर से अमेरिका चीनी राउटरों पर प्रतिबंध लगाएगा?
Updated on 2025-03-06T15:51:27+05:30
साइबर जासूसी के डर से अमेरिका चीनी राउटरों पर प्रतिबंध लगाएगा?
US Congressional Committee on 4th March, 2025, Wednesday urged it's citizens to abandon Chinese wifi routers, primarily, those made by TP-Link, calling them a security threat that opened the door for China for cyber espionage. It raised concerns that routers from Chinese manufacturers could be exploited by the PRC for surveillance, data breaches and/or hacking attempts on American networks.
US authorities are also considering the ban on the company's (TP-Link) routers in the country, according to some key media reports. TP Link however, has not responded to any of these allegations yet.