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New Delhi
Friday, October 18, 2024

Supreme Court Breaks Tradition: New Justice Statute Says ‘Law Is Not Blind’

The new Lady Justice statue in the Supreme Court has shed its blindfold, with the Constitution now replacing the sword in one hand, symbolizing that the law in India is neither blind nor punitive. According to an NDTV report, the statue was commissioned at the orders of Chief Justice DY Chandrachud.

“The Law is Not Blind”

While the Lady Justice has traditionally been depicted with its eyes blindfolded, the new statue has eyes open to spread the message that the law is not blind.

Prior to this, the Lady Justice was frequently represented as a blindfolded figure wielding scales and a sword. The blindfold was intended to signify equality before the law, meaning that justice should be administered regardless of wealth, power, or prestige.

The scales signified balance and fairness, and the sword symbolized the authority of the law.

However, the new statue is viewed as an attempt to abandon the colonial history while emphasizing the message that the law is not blind in the new India. It is now displayed prominently in the Supreme Court judges’ library.

According to top sources from the Chief Justice’s office, quoted by NDTV, Justice Chandrachud thinks that the law is not blind and that everyone is equal before it.

“Therefore, the Chief Justice said that the form of the Lady Justice should be changed. He said the statue should have the Constitution in one hand and not a sword, so that a message goes out to the country that she dispenses justice according to the Constitution. The sword is a symbol of violence but courts deliver justice according to constitutional laws,” a source told the publication.

However, the symbol of the scales has been retained in the new statue to emphasize that the courts weigh both sides of an argument before delivering a judgement.

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Source: HT

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